Monday, November 30, 2009
City living is eco
I've been helping out the caretaker in our apartment building. He digs through the rubbish looking for cardboard and glass, and finally the body corporate has asked everyone to separate those and he will collect. Unfortunately this is purely a cost driven exercise for this bloke, so he isn't interested in anything else of limited value, but I was thinking of starting a compost heap (a friend of mine is organising a worm one in her block). This got me to thinking how it's so much easier to co-operate when you live in close quarters... city living can be eco sometimes. All we need is lift sharing or car sharing and then we're sorted. Hmmm..
Friday, November 13, 2009
Fabrics from Uganda
Friday, November 6, 2009
Summer time... hats!
I know the current style is to make a tutorial with photos, but sometimes I find a sketch is clearer, so this is my first experiment.
Baby sunhat pattern ages 6 months to 2 years
By the way the photos is taken by a friend of mine who used the application poladroid to get the retro feel. Love it!
Renting toys vs buying
Monday, November 2, 2009